InuYasha Wind Scarr does not have any ownership over the anime television show of InuYasha or any products of InuYasha.
However, the ownership does belong to Rumiko Takahashi, as well as to Sunrise, Viz, and others who have licensed or have copyrights
to InuYasha.
Most of the information on this website was written (or typed) by Anime-Master-X and DaykeemMister, so please DO-NOT-STEAL
anything on this website without permission from either Anime-Master-X or DaykeemMister. Trust me, it takes a lot of time
to type this down and it would be a huge disgrace to someone if they just go on websites (especially ours) and just copy and
paste information on their website. It would also be pretty stupid, why don't you just get your own information :P. Besides,
if people go on Yahoo or Google and search InuYasha, get our website and your website and see that there's the same info it
would be a waste. Like us, be respectful and PLEASE DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING FROM OUR WEBSITE!!!
We aren't being cruel, but if you already didn't learn from school, plagiarism is when you take information from someone
else word-for-word as your own property. This is a legal and serious offense to the owner(s) of the information and you probably
will get in big trouble if you commit plagiarism.
So with that said, I already told you and I'll say it again: PLEASE DO NOT STEAL ANYTHING FROM THIS WEBSITE!